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Teachers at work!


Mrs. Amin Sisawanti

Mr. Agos Siswanto

Mrs. Ani


I was presented to the class during my first week!

During the interview with Mrs. Ani, Vice Head Master, about the teaching plan of teachers

General Report About Teaching Plan


            Through following the curriculum of the SMK Tamansiswa the teachers are able to deliver well their discussion. The teachers vary on preparation of their subject matter depending on the loads given to them. In my case as English major, I was introduced to 2 cooperating teachers that are both handling the same course which is Bahasa Inggris. There were some adjustments in the part of the teacher especially in the time of teaching. The time everyday changes because sometimes the students are given 45 minutes, 1 hour and the longest is the 1 hour and 30 minutes.


            It was a challenge for the teacher to maximize the allotted topic for the students because sometimes the students could not finish one activity and they still have to proceed to a new topic. in that case, the teacher just gave an assignment or a take home activity so the students could still have more time in reading and studying the topic. in that way, the students don’t get bombarded on the academic subjects because they are given time to think and somehow breath some refreshment for schooling. The school was very particular of the time, as what I have observed, when the bell rang the students will go out easily even the teacher has nit tackled the activity and the material that must be taught to them for that day. They just continue the discussion next meeting but the sometimes the students do not remember anymore which topic they tackled before. I’ve seen the effort of my mentor because they really want to encourage the students to somehow speak and communicate through Bahasa Inggris. The teacher would call the attention of the students and ask them with some English terms as well as some English phrases that they know. If a student can answer, the teacher helps and guide the student to finally express what he is trying to say.


            By that, I can say that Bahasa Inggris is one of the most difficult subject to teach because the students are none speakers of English and still on the process of learning the language. All in all, there is no problem with those challenges, and it they will overcome it for the teacher has exerted a lot of effort for the students.



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